welcome to clinicsex-exotis: Motion reflects the ability orgasme

Monday, May 11, 2009

Motion reflects the ability orgasme

How do you run, haste, slow, or with a steady stride? In fact, the way women running ability can reach the orgasme. This according to a research titled Gait may be associated with orgasmic ability (gait may be related to the ability to orgasme) published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Women who move with enerjik or with a certain step and supple, have been used as a group that has always orgasme. "Based on observation, there may be links between orgasme way to run. They are often run with orgasme usually flexible, not rigid, berenergi, and sensual, "write the researchers in a report. To test the theory, the combined team of researchers from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium and the University of West Scotland, asking the students said kuisioner about their sexual habits. Students are divided into two groups, namely that the often or always orgasme and groups that claim to rarely or never. Then they are asked to run as far as 100 meters while imagine are on the beach beautiful. Then they are asked to run again while the man who imagine they love. Nah, and two experts are asked to guess seksologi ability orgasme the respondents based on the way before running. Previously, experts told seksologi this does not fit in any group of students just now. The result is interesting, because 81 percent of answers correct before seksologi experts. "At the time orgasme vagina, musculature around the pelvic flexure. When orgasme often, how to run any more natural, there is harmonization between the legs, pelvis, and spine movement, "said Stuart Brody, professor of psychology University of West Scotland. However, Brody said that they move with the steady and flexible because it may have mental health is good, more confident and have a satisfying sexual relationship. So, this theory must be proved further. (kompas.com)

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