welcome to clinicsex-exotis: Easy Women's Libido decreased, Men More Consistent

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Easy Women's Libido decreased, Men More Consistent

Passionate sex women to rise so directly in a safe atmosphere. But after four years married or engaged or gathered kebo, encouraged women's sexual decline. Based on research, less than half the women aged 30 years who want sex regularly. Meanwhile, Libido men not affected by length of relationship, including in marriage. Journal of Human Nature published this weekend said that these differences are a part of how human experience evoluasi. A man has a stable Libido can be caused by the nature of competition with fellow men to equally protect the female. The researchers from University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf has interviewed 530 men and women for this research. The result, 60 percent of women aged 30-years old an want sex more often in the early-early introduction (wedding). But in four years, the number tended to decrease to below 50 percent. For the Adam, the level of wanting regular sex numbers stand at 60-80 percent. They are not affected or the duration of court marriage. One thing that is very prominent from this research is the tenderness (tenderness) for women. Approximately 90 percent of women wanted tenderness of spouses, both in the early-early marriage, or until the end of the court hayatnya. Conversely, only 25 percent of men want softness. That was in the period of 10 years married / court. Dr Dietrich Klusmann who led the research believe that this sexual difference is part of human evoluasi. "For men, the reason for consistent sexual desires is to always protect the pair from the other male temptations," he said. At the end of the explanation, dr Dietrich said that the evolution of women so that has encouraged sexual high is when they new acquaintances. Why so? This is an early stage to form a so-called pair bond with a spouse or commitments. Nah, when the relationship has begun to liquefy, Libido women down. He added that the study of animal behavior provides a description of how women have to switch the view of other men or other men's desire (PIL). This is to secure the genetic combination . (kompas.com)

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