welcome to clinicsex-exotis: Step 5 Adding Strength Men

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Step 5 Adding Strength Men

Sex is beautiful. Always saying that diperdengarkan by many people. But how can people enjoy that sex is beautiful if the body is not possible to enjoy enjoy. Here are the steps that you can do on the capacity of a fully sexual. If you do it regularly and in accordance with the plan, which is determined, you will undoubtedly get satisfaction.

1. Health care

As a first step, the health of the body, including food, exercise, and rest (sleep). This is a three-part health generally. In the case try to eat the food served in day-to-day with a qualified health care provides food containing protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals

2. GETTING appetite BIRAHI

As a second step. Someone who tucked the rest get passionately in love. With yoga breathing can increase sexual potency with extra exercise. In other words, if your body is rileks breath and rhythm are normal, and open your mind to the mind that you want.

3. USAGE Fantasy Sex

By using your imagination power before intimate relationship, you are not directly re-kindle the top of the function. Indeed, it sometimes only mere dream, but if you are able to realize your fantasy with a partner, then you will feel the imagination in the actual reality. The more you can realize the fantasy, the power to conduct intimate relationships will be increasingly strong.


You can check ereksi own. You can also maintain the computer's memory during the conduct intimate relationships. Therefore tanamkan in your self that only you can satisfy your partner. With such concern for the failure will be lost and changed as the strength of the desired pair.


In step five, you can find through the erotic sight, hearing, smell, touch or feel, and the inducement. Therefore it is very important if someone is always keeping his body still seems to be beautiful. Will be even better if the conduct at the intimate relationship perfume. But more important is not too hastily in their intimate relationships. Do with heating various ways. If the pair is in the peak of passion then do the "tasks" you well. (endah-gita)

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